Cats are awesome!

There are two cute cats keeping me company in the home office πŸ€“

(actually, I mean distracting me from work with their cuteness)

We adopted them in 2019 when they were 3 years old from a lady who couldn’t take care of them anymore.

Let me introduce you to Anneke & Pietje πŸ€—


Age: 8
Specialty: keeping your chair warm & hiding in boxes
Nickname: Annie

She’s the real boss in the house.

She always lets Pietje eat first, but in reality, she’s wearing the pants.

Cat Anneke


Age: 8
Specialty: cuddles cuddles cuddles & sleeping
Nickname: Piet

He’s a bit shy, but when he gets to know you, he turns into a purring cuddling machine πŸ˜…

His biggest fear in life is the sound of the vacuum cleaner, and an empty food bowl.

pietje bed

Do you have any furry friends of your own?

Let me know in the comments below πŸ˜„

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